As the state body and affiliated with the National Sporting body known as the ABSC the VBSA complies with the following ABSC policies which can be found here
This attached Policy has been compiled in accordance with Australian Privacy Principles (APP) 1.3 and 1.4 and describes how the VBSA complies with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth).
A procedure has been developed to assist members/players in dealing with disputes.
It is recommended that all members familiarise themselves with the procedure.
Queries should be referred to the VBSA Secretary.
This document describes the main roles and responsibilities of the board and the assistants of the VBSA.
These are meant to be used as a guide and are subject to change.The VBSA recognizes that all skills and experience may not be available and are keen to mentor and help people develop into this and other areas of interest.
We are inclusive and support diversity in our people as espoused by the values in our sport.
Tammy Lindrum
Alec Spyrou
Vice President:
Julie Watson
Jon Moss
George Hoy
Amit Manchandra
Victorian Director of Referees:
Larry Eforgan
Ordinary Member:
Sam Malcolm
Faten Awad
Sebastain Gomes
The VBSA Board is working hard to help grow our sport and to be more inclusive, accessible and transparent to its members.
We are happy to announce our first quarterly scorecard (see attached).