Victorian Billiards & Snooker Association Inc.

Representing & Developing Billiards & Snooker as a sport in Victoria

VBSA Patron: The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria.


(Victorian Billiards & Snooker Association Inc.)
VBSA Patron: The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria.
Representing & Developing Billiards & Snooker as a sport in Victoria
Victorian Referees - Contact & Qualified Referees

To Contact the Victorian Head of Referees: Larry Eforgan,

or, if you wish to undergo a training course for accreditation and recognition, please fill in the form.

Qualified and accredited referees working with the VBSA are certified by the Australian Billiards and Snooker Council.
If you are qualified and wish to be considered for inclusion on this list please fill in the form and submit to the Director of Referees.
Certificates can only be issued by the Australian Billiards and Snooker Referees' Committee (ABSR) on behalf of the Australian Billiards and Snooker Council (ABSC). There is an annual fee to be paid for registration and accreditation.
Name Class
Samuel Bashfield Class 3 Billiards
John Bennett Class 3 Billiards
Paul Bray Class 3
Maurice Chilton Class 3 Snooker
Paul Cosgriff Class 1, Examiner
David Cosgriff Class 2 Billiards
Christopher Coyne Class 3 Billiards
Balraj Dhaliwal Class 3
Michael Dove Class 3 Snooker
Larry Eforgan Class 1, Examiner
Eddy Etyngold Class 3 Snooker
Tim Forte Class 3 Snooker
Marc Fridman Class 3 Snooker
Tony Fridman Class 3 Snooker
Mark Heiberg Class 3 Billiards
George Hoy Class 3
David Hutchinson Class 3 Snooker
Neville Ingels Class 3
Robyn Jackson Class 3 Billiards
Martin James Class 3 Billiards
Brendon Lang Class 3
Michael Lang Class 3 Snooker
Jim Lewis Class 2
Bohan Lin Class 3
Jon Loughron Class 3 Snooker
Sam Malcolm Class 3
Graham Maloney Class 3
Steve Mifsud Class 3 Billiards
Jon Moss Class 1 Examiner
Abraham Newman Class 2 Snooker
Blaise Northey Class 3 Billiards
Rob Northover Class 3 Snooker
Anuj Rathee Class 2
John van Zanden Class 3
Damian Willcox Class 2 Billiards Class 3 Snooker