Victorian Billiards & Snooker Association Inc.

Representing & Developing Billiards & Snooker as a sport in Victoria

VBSA Patron: The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria.


(Victorian Billiards & Snooker Association Inc.)
VBSA Patron: The Honourable Linda Dessau AC, Governor of Victoria.
Representing & Developing Billiards & Snooker as a sport in Victoria
Victorian Rankings - Billiards (Womens)

Womens Rank Member ID Name Total Points  
1 6079 Julie Watson 31105 How awarded
2 4029 Anna Lynch 17520 How awarded
3 5134 Dr. Shelly Ames 12813 How awarded
4 4195 Yvonne Mahoney 2488 How awarded
5 5940 Mia Newman 1378 How awarded
6 6277 Margaret Conomy 198 How awarded
7 6074 Robyn Jackson 180 How awarded
8 4278 Michelle Hansen 83 How awarded
9 6232 Katie Dwyer 78 How awarded
10 6222 Joey Tohme 46 How awarded
11 6242 Kathryn Prescott 20 How awarded